7ob.14.1 APPlYca- The Spiritual life, and In-being room for thePrince : So when Christ comes into ones foul, then all goes our, all other things goout. 'Tis in our beleeving on jefusChrift, as in our beleaving on God the Father. le beleeve in God (faies Chrlit) beleeve alfo in me. Look how ye beleeve in God the Father, fo do ye beleeve in me. Now, as when a mandoes beleeve in God the Father for Provifion, for outward Provifion ; as feeing anAl-fuf- ficiencie inGod to Provide; then he fees an In-fufficiencie in all the creatures to help, and never before. So, when a man comes to beleeve in Chritt, when he fees that Al-fuf- ficiency that is in Chrift to Redeem, and fatisfie for him ; then he fees an In-fufficiency in all his own Duties, and Righteoufnefs, and never till then. The truth is, Aman cannot come toChrift,tmlefs hedo forfakeall. As,ye can- notcome to this fide of the water,oeriver, tinleffeyou come from that fide ofthe river. Now faith, it is nothing elle but a Coming to Jefus Chrift : and therefore, where ever there is true,faving,juftifying faith, a man does Deny him- felf in Spiritual things : he cannot write an I upon his own Performance, upon his own Duties. If fo, ifal thefe things be true : How hard a thing is it, for a man to Beleeve ! how few are there in the world that do Beleeve indeed ! True, laving, juflifying faith, it makes a man Abundant in the work of theLord ; it makes a man livea fpiritual life: but then it takes away that T from him, he cannot write an I uponwhat he does, as formerly he bath done. It makes a man live a Spiritual life : but it makes him alfo, to Deny that Spiritual life. There are Four ftreams, that this Spiritual Ilk is divided into : The fiream of Performance : The stream of Obedi- ence : The fireamof our Sufferings : The fiream of Enjoy- ment. True flying faith, and the Gofpel, makes a man to Deny himfelf in all thele. As for our Performance, and Obedience ; ye know what the Apoale faies concerning, himfelf, Thus and thus I was, and thus and thus I have lived : but now I count all things as dung, and droffe in regard ofChrift. As