Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of Chriji iii all Beleevers. As for our Sufferings : I have read of Come Martyrs in the Primitive times ; that being in prilon, and reedy to fuffer ; divers came to comfort them, and called them, Bleffed Martyrs. No, (fay they) we are not worthy of the Name of Martyrs : by no means, they would not bear it, that they fhould call themMartyrs : Denied themfelves in their Sufferings. As for our Enjoyment : Ye knowwhat the Apoftle faies, Idefire to be diffolved, and tobe with Chriff, which is befi ofall. Neverthelef?, for your fakes (faies he) &c. I am in a ftrait. And in anotherplace, I knewa man (faies he)that was taken up into the third heaven, whether in the body, or out of thebody I cannot fay. That was hirnfelf, butle would not own him- felfin it. And in another plice he faies, That he could with hinzfelfaccurfed,for his brethren according to the flefh, that they might receive the Go/Pel. Oh ! what a Self-Denying frame ofheart is here! But where is this Self:Denying frame of heart now to be found amongil us : How does this I this fame Self, creep into all our Speeches, and into all our 1)o- ings ? Ifit pleafe the Lord to ufe a Minifter in his fervice what I-ing is there ! I converted Inch a man ; and I com- forted fuch a man ; and it was My Miniftry that did it Oh ! what Self is here ! what I-ing is here. So; ifit pleafe God toufe a Phyfitian,for the curing oftheoutward man; It was My Prefcription, and it was My Receipt, and 1 did it. And ifa Chriffian do but Pray, or perform any Du- ty ; Thus and thus I laid, and there words I fpake ; Did not I tell ye fo ? I told ye what would coma to pals: Oh! what I-ing is there among people ? how does Self, this I and Self creep into all our Speeches, and into all our Do- ings But is this our Faith ? and is this the fruit of our Faith ? Every true Eeleevet, that leeks Juffification by faith' alone, is an Humble, Self-Denying perfon ; that denies himfelf in Spiritual things-. Then, how few are there, that have true laving faith!! Certainly, this laving, justify- ing faith, is another manner of thing than the world .takes. it to be. But 3 2Cor.i 2. 2. ROM 9,3