Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, andapplied fromGnatsTs Prieftly-Office. fully fympathize with us, and therefore goes beyondall the High-Prieils that ever was before him. Further, He is more faithful in his office, and place thabever anyHigh-Prieft was. Aaron was an High-Priefi, but unfaithful in the matter ofthe golden calfe. But our Lord and Saviour Chrift, he is more faithful than JI//ofir was, In this 3. Heb. I. 2. verks, (and fo on.) Wherefore ho- ly brethren, confider the Apoli le and High-Priefi of our profegion Chrift lefist, who warfaithful to him that appointed him, as (li- fe Moles war faithful in all his bottle. He fteps over Aaron, who was the the High-Prieft, and he compares him here to Mofef in faithfulnefs. Now Mofes was faithful in all his houfe: But our Lord and Saviour here, he is preferred, beforeMofis in point of faithfulnefs s yet it is faid, Moles warfaithful in aVhis houfe. When that the Lord comman- ded Morerany thing, as the Lord commanded 1b did he, and rote up early in the morning to do the commandement of God: He was faithful in all his houfe; and yet our. Lord and Saviour was more faithful than kiofes in thetnat- ter ofhis Priefthood. For fo it is brought in here, at the 3 .verfe. For thit man war counted worthy of more glory than Moles, in asmuch as he wbobath builded the bottle, bath more honour-than the houfe. Verfe the 5. Moles verily was faithful in all his houfe, as afirvant, for a tefrimony ofthofe things which were to be ft oken after; but Chrift as a Son over his own houfe. Look now, abs a Child, ora fon is,more faithful in his fa- thers houfe than a fervant will be : fo,,(faies the Apoftle) Chrifi is more faithful thaw/Wet. And look as the buil- derof the houfe, does go beyond, and excel every beam, and ftone in-the houfe, or everypart of the building : So- does the Lord Chrift in faithfulnefs, exceed Wefts. You will fay; there is a great difference between a, -stone in the building, and the maker ofthe houfe : Look what diffe- rence there is between a ftone,or a pieceofwood,& the-ma- ker ofthe hairding ! fo great a difference there is (faits the Apoftle)between jefus Chrift,in the matterof his Prieflbood, andilfores ; yet notwithltanding, Mofes is faithful in all his- houfe.,, 37 3,