Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of cbriji in all Bekevers. but I do not find that I have room enough in my heart for fuch aguett t Lord, my foul is not enlarged enough for Inch eguett as Chrift is : Lord, my foul is a poor narrow room Oh / that my foul were more enlarged : what than I do toget my foul enlarged to give entertainment to Inch a vett as Chrift is? I than fpitk to yeboth from one Scripture, turn ye both to the ty. of john, & the latt verf. Sales our Lord and Savior Chrift, praying unto his father,And I have declaredunto them thy Name, and will declare it : that the love wherea ish thou haft loved me, may be in them, & I in them. Mind the words. Here are thefe Three things obfervable in them. First of all Hereye have this Dothinethat I have been (peaking of all this while, Chrift in each beleever : I in them. Secondly, That God the Father does love a Beleever, though not fo much as Chrift, yet with the fame love that he loveth Chrift : That the love wherewith thou haft lovedme, may be in them, and I in them. Thirdly.That theway to procure this love, and this In-being is, To have the Name of Godde- dared. And Ihave declared unto them thy Name, and I will de- clare it : Why? that the love wherewith thou haft loved me,may . be in them; and I its them. So then, the way for toget this In-being is, to have the Name ofGod declared unto poor fouls. What is this Name, the Name of God the Father that Chrift declares ? It was the Love of God s his Free- grace and Love. SalesChrift, Godfi, loved the world &c. and Joh.3 %6 ftil Chrift preach'd the love of God to poor loft man.This was the Name of God that is declared. Now then,do any I of your fouls complain, That you want this In-being of Chrift in you ? or that you have not room in your fouls to entertain fuch a gueft? Obferve where this Name ofGod is declared,and manifefied, this Free love of God is marki fe- fled and declared ; and there fet thy foul under the fpout, under thedeclaration,under the tnanifeftation of the Name. ofGod ; and look upon it, as ifehrift were therepreaching' and declaring the Name of God to thy foul, and there' Chrift (hall come in unto thee, and there thy poor narro- wed.,,