Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The Spiritual life, and-In-being wed;and ftraitned foul that be enlarged, and made moreca- pacious for JefusChri tt. Wherefore I befeech you then, receive this Word of Ex- hortation ; and let every foul go unto Jefus Chrift, and fay to this purpofe, Lord Jefus, Thywork is to declare the Nameofthe Father to poor finners, that fo thou maieft be in them : now0Lord, I am a poor Inner, Lord, declare the Name ofthe Father tome ; Lord, declare the Name of the Father to me. I have a ftraitned heart, I have not room enough for thee in my foul ; Oh! that it wereenlar- ged for thee : now therefore declare this Name of thy Fa- ther to me ; that fo the love wherewith thy Father hath loved thee, may be in me, and I in theealfo. Thus I fay, go untolifts Chritt. And fludy, Rudy much this In-be- ing ofChrift in your fouls : you that have it not, labor to get it; andyou that have this In-being, labor to be thank- ful for it , improve it, and get your fouls more and more enlarged under it. S E R- ...mown