Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

-ofChrifi in ailBeleeverr. MAAMOMMAtAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH KglgtttliMatttiOtrziggtiMgq AgkagizzgkrtAgiiWkAlAW voimmoviimavivom SERMON V. Preached G AL ATIAN S) 2. part ofthe 20. verC at Neverthelefs' I live) yet noth but aryl liveth Chrifts- - Church inme. Aug. 25. AAAA 4444 Intend at this time to (peak on thefe 1648. 410Q words, But Chriff liveth inme. Wherein 40C MO ye have thefe Three things. one f6 1.4 als" Firft. The In-being ofChrift in a Be- tos aos.. 40Q leever CbrtJl in me. v4vw Secondly. The Efficacyof this In-be- " ing : Chrift Liveth inme. Thirdly. TheConfiancy thereof; he doth not flay for a night or two ; but heLiveth,or Abideth inme. Accordingly there are Three Notes, or Obfervations. Firfl. Chrift is in eachBeleever; Chrift is in every Chri- flian. For when he faies, I live, yet not I; he perfonates a Beleever all along, fpeaks not in his own perfon, but in the perfon of a Beleever, one Jultified by Faith a- lone. Secondly. That Chrift liveth in all Beleevers. Cbrifi liveth inme. Thirdly. That Chrift liveth more in Beleevers than themfelves do. I live, yet not I , but Chrifi liveth in me. Chrift bath a greater hand,and flroke in the Spiritual a&i- ons ofbeleevers, than themfelves have. Q. I have