98 The Spiritnal life)and In-being I have fpoken of the former of thee in another place and now I will fpeak unto the other : and therefore i fhall put them both together , in one Donrine, or Obfervation, thus. Doe. Chrift doth fo live in a Beleever, that he bath a greater hand,and firoke, in the Spiritual alyions of a Beleever, than a Belee- hintfilfhath : Chrifi lives in a Beleever more than him- fedf, as to his Spiritual aeions. For the opening, and clearingof this Truth. Firft, I (hall labor to thew you that Chrift liveth in each Beleever. Secondly, That he hath a greater hand, and ftroke, in the anions of his Spiritual life, then a Beleever hath him- felf. Firft. That Chritl liveth in eachBeleever. A man li- veth, where he worketh, and ftaieth, or abideth. A man Both not live where he lieth ; he may come and flay for a day or two, and yet not be faid to live there : but where a man works, and ftaies, or abides, there he lives. Now] both there ye (hall find Chrift doth : the firfl in that known place, the 7. of John, 38. verfe. Re that loeleeveth on me, as the Scripture bath laid, out of his belly fnall flow rivers of living water. This fake he ofthe Spirit,which they that beleeve on him, fhould receive. Where the Spirit of Christ is, there is Chrifi. And this is a promife made to all Eeleevers, more or leffe, to be fulfilledunto them ; Out of their bellies fhall flow ri- vers ofliving water : Which is to be underftood of theSpi- rit. So that the Spirit of Chrift (hall- be in them, and be working in them. And as for the other, youknowwhat is Paid in that, 14.. ofJohn, and the 23. verfe. Saith our Savior there, Ifany man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will lovehim, andwe will come unto him, andmake our abode with him. It's the fame word that is ufed before for Manfions, In myfathers hoof are manyManfions, verfe 2. We will come and take up our Manfions with him. And this was fa received a Principle in the Apofties time, that he faies Y.