Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of Chrifi in all Beleever.. faies to the Corinthians, in the I Epiftle, 3. chapter,16. verfe, Knowye not thatye are the Temple of God ; and that the Spirit of God dwelleth inyou ? But ifyou look into the, S. chapteroi the Romans, you {hall fee all proved together, verfe the to, I. And ifChrifi be irtyou, the body is dead becaufe offin : but the fpirit is life, becaufe ofrighteoufnefl. Butifthe Spirit ofhim that raifedup yertufrom the dead, dwell inyou: he that raifedup Chrift from the dead, fhall alfoquickenyour mortal bodies, by ha Spirit that dwelleth inyott. here are Three or Four things obfervable. Firif, That Chrift in you, and the Spirit at you, is all one. And therefore, having faid in the to. ver. IfCbrift be inyou: at the I t.verfe, he faies, If the Spirit of him that raifed up Jefus from the dead, dwell inyou. Again you may obferve here, That Chrift in a Beleever, is not Habi- tual graceonly, for, faith he, If the Spirit ofhim that raifed up Yefia from the dead, dwell in you. It was not Faith, or Habitual grace, that raifed up Chrift from the dead ; but the Spirit of God himfelf. And, faith he, this Spirit dwel- leth inyou. So that, Chrift in a Beleever, is not only the Habit ofgrace, but the Spirit ofChrill. And then Third- ly, ye may obferve this too ; That this Spirit, is a living Spirit; and dwelleth, or abideth in a Beleever. For it is laid twice here, That theSpirit dwelleth in you. So that plainly then, you fee from the words, Chrift dwels in eve- ry Beleever, Chrift dwels in every Chriftian, he liveth in him. And if it were not fo, How fhould the abfence of Jefus Chrift be recompenced by the coming ofthe Spirit, or of the Comforter? When our Lord and Saviour Chrift left the World and his Difci pl es, he gave them a gracious Pro= mile of fending his Spirit ; And if Igo not (faith he) the Spirit or the. Comforter, will not come : but if Igo, I will fend the Comforter, and he fball make upyour loft of me. Now if that the Spirit of Chrift fhould not be in a Beleever, and live in him ; how would the coming of the Holy Choil., and ofthe Spirit, make up the loffeof the perforaal prefence ofJefas Chrift ?