Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

TOO The Spiritual lif6 and In-being ObjeU. An w. Betides, You know that friends love to be neer unto one another ; and the neerer they are, the happier they count themfelves ; they love not to be afunder : the foul of the lover, liveth where it loveth, rather than where it liveth. Now there is thegreat& friend(hip between Chriti and a Eeleever ; and the LordJefus Chritt, hath a happineffe a- bove all friends ; that he can make himfelf neerer, and be more One with his friends, than any friend in the world can. And therefore, upon thofe terms ofLove and Friend- thip, Chrift by his Spirit liveth in all Beleevers. It will be laid, IfChrifi liveth in all Beleevers, really liveth in them by his Spirit, then what need of Ordinances ? for Chrill and the Spirit ofChrifi inme, can live without Ordinances : and ifa man have attained onceunto the Spirit, Cbrifl in him, and. Chrift living in him ; andhave attainedunto the Spirit, the rit ofCbrifi really living in him ; what need of any Commande-- menu without ? or Rules without ? for the Spirit will be a fujfi- cient Rule to leadhim into all that is right : what need therefore of any Commandemenu, Rules, or Ordinances without ? Yes: For we ufe the Ordinances, not only for the enjoy- ment of God in them : but as a tellimony ofour Obedience. If that the enjoyment ofGod, and Chrift, were the only reafon of the Ordinances, then in cafe that a man could without the Ordinances have theenjoyment of God, and. Chrift, he might lay by the Ordinances : but feeing that we are for to ufe theOrdinances asan a&ofourObedience, although a man can enjoy Chriti, have the Spirit, and Chritt living in him; yet notwithtlanding, he is Rill to bear up the Ordinances, becanfe there he is to expreffe his Obedience unto God, and Chritl. And now (give me, leave a little to fix here, to take offthis fcruple, and Ob- jeEtion) ifyou look into the 27. of Numbers, you (ball fin& that jachua had the Spirit, and not in an ordinary way, but in a more than ordinaryway theLord gave Yofboa his Spirit : andyet notwithttanding, jolhua was to be under Commandements, and under Ordinances : at the TS. verfe. The Lordfaid untoMoles, take thee Jofhua thefun of Nun, a man