of Chrill in allBeleevers. 101 man in whom is the Spirit, and lay thine handon him, and fit him before Eleazer the Priefi, and before all the Congregation: and give him a charge in their fight. Mark, he was to come under a Command, and under a charge although he had the Spirit. And be fhall Hand before, Eleazer the Priefi,whs Pal asItcounfel for him after the judgment of Urim before the Lord. And fo it was. And Moles did as the Lord command.d him. NowMofes doth not fay, What need I go to Eleazar, or to the Prieff ? what need I go and confult by Urim and Thummirn 't for I have the Spirit, that is able to leade me into all Truth, No, but he fubmits unto his Charge, and he waits upon the Lord in this way. f the Ordinances, although it is laid here, that he had the Spirit. So, had not David the Spirit in a great meafure? and yet, did he not ufe the Ordinances But look into thenewTeflament, and there you find, that the Apoilles had the Spirit alto : Our Lord and Savior Chrift, he breathed upon them; they waited for thecaming ofthe Spirit ; and the holy Ghoff fell upon them : and yet notwithfiandifT, they were un- der Commands ; for faith our Savior Chrtff to them, Go, Mat.28. teach all Nations, Baptizing, andteaching them to do what ever 19 I commandyou. So that although they had the Spirit, and the holy Ghoff, in a greater meafure than any man (for ought I know) ever had fence ; yet notwithfianding, they were under Commandements: Teaching them ( faith he to do whatfoever I command'you. And ye know what our Savior faies, in that place I mentioned even now, He that .7,b 7, beleeveth on me, out ofhis belly Pall flow riversof living water, 38?39 (which hefake concerning the Spirit, and the holy Ghofi, that Pouldbe given, for he was not yet glorified.) A Promife made to Beleevers, and the Churches, in the times of the Apo- files ; they had theSpirit by vertue of that Promife : and yet notwith (landing, they were under Ordinances, and did ufe the Ordinances. But that you may fee how this ObjeEtion runs crofTe, both to theold, and to the newTe- ffarnent ; look uponone place more; it is in the 3o. chap. of Ifaiab, the 20. and 2r. verfes, a Promile made concer- ning-