Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

102 The Spiritual life, and In-being I ning the times of the Gofpel. And though the Lord giveyou the bread of aa'verfity andthe water of afflia ion, yet 'hall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes fhall fee thy teachers. Here are Ordinances, here are Teachers. Well now, but where is the Spirit ? Verfe the 21. And thine earsfhall bear a word behind thee, Paying, This is the way, walkin it. Thine ears fhall hear a word behind thee ; Who fpeaks that word ? Look into the i. chapter of the Revelation, & there you fhall find, it is the Spirit that fpeaks the word behind one, at the 1o. verfe. I was in the Spirit on the Lords day, and beard behind me a great voice. So that this voice behind, is that of the Spirit : When we do not expe& the Spirit, the Spirit cometh and fpeaketh to us. So that, thus now ye fee, Teaching, and Ordinances, and the Spirit of Chritt in us, and living in us, may and do hand together. ObjeEl. But yet will force fay, What need ofthefe things ?IfChriji livetb in each Feleever really by his Spirit, what need ofComman. dements, or Teachings without ? for is it notfaid, Ye fhall be all taught of God ? and ye fhall no longer teach your neighbor ? is it notfofaid in Scripture ? An w. i No, not jull fo : for ifyou look into that 3i. ofJeremy, from whence the place is fetched : and the 8. chapter of the Epiflle to the Hebrews; ye fhall find, that the words run thus : This is theCovenant that I will make with the houfe ofIfrael, (verfe the t o.) after thofi, dales, faith the Lord : I will put my Lames into their mind, and write them in their heartr,and I will be to them a God, and theyThal be to me apeople. And they fhall not teach every man his neighbour, and every manhis brother, Saying, Know the Lord For all [ball knowmefrom the leafi to the greatefi . Mark how the words run : It is not barcly faid thus ; Theyfhall not teach every man his neighbour, andeve- ry matt his brother ; but that claufe is added to it, Shying, Know the Lord : They thallnot teach every man his neigh- bour, and every man his brother, Saying, Know the Lord. As ifhe had faid, I will nowmake a Covenant of grace, and mercy with you ; I will writemy Laws in your heart,