Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of chrifi in all Beleevers. hearts, and ye {hall all know me, and though you have been taught heretofore, as ignorant people, that have not known theLord, yet now, becaufe I will writemy Laws in your hearts, and gly Law (hall be there ; ye 1E111 not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, Saying, Know the Lord, as if ye were ignorant, but my Law be within your hearts, and you (hall be taught as a knowing people. Secondly. Ye mull know, that although the Spirit of Chrill live in every Chrithan ,and foGod 5 Yet the Spirit is the free gift ofGod, and therefore it a&s, and works no further than it pleafeth God to give it. Now look into the Scripture, and you (hall find, that the Lord was never pleafed to give the Spirit for this end, that it fhould be the only Rule of a mans life ; but for thisend, that it fhould be an help to aman to know the Rule, and to keep the Rule. Look into the Word, and you (hall find, that the Spirit of the Lord was never given, to be theonly Rule for a man to live by, but it was given to be an help to underftand, keep, and fulfil the Rule. And therefore Chryfofforn doth well obferve, It is with Chriti in us, (faith he) as with Chrift without us. In the times of the old Teltament, the great Promifewas of giving Chrift : in the times of the New Tellament, the great Promife is, the giving of the Spirit. Now therefore, looke as it was with Chrift when he came into theworld, fo with the Spirit when he cometh into the heart, Chrift in us. Now when Chrift came into the World, he came not to deflroy the Law, but he carnet° fulfill the Law So when the Spirit cometh into the heart, the Spirit cometh not to cleftroy the Gofpel, or the Ordi- nances of the Gofpel ; but he comes to fulfil the Gofpel. Chriflus impletio legit, Spiritus impletio Evangelii. Chrift the fulfilling of the Law,the Spirit the fulfilling of the Gofpel. mecunquefunt i e Legi &c. Whatfoever things are in the Law, Chria fulfilleth : whatfoever things are in the Do- &rine of the Gofpel, the Spirit fulfilleth. And as when Chrift came, he came not todefiroy the Law, but to fulfil it; 2 Vii, dig