Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The Spiritual We) and itt-being --- --- it ; (for he faith himfelf, 1 came to fulfil the Law) fo when the Spirit comes into any foul, faith the Spirit alfo, I come not todeftroy the Gofpel , or the Commandements of the Gofpel ; but I come into this poor foule , to help it to fulfill the Commandements of the Gofpel. Now when I do take away the Commandements , and make the Commandements no Commandernents to me, ( I mean, the Commandements without) then I deftroy the Commandementsas to me : When I do make the Or- dinances of Chrift, as no Ordinances to me; then I do de- ftroy them,as tome : And when I make the Rule without, tobe no Rule,as to me,then I deftroy it,as to me rand when I that am a Beleever fay thus, I have the Spirit, and there- fore I have no need ofany Commandement fromwithout, for the Spirit is Rule enough ; here I take away the Corn- mandement,as to me ; I take away the Ordinances,as to me; hake away the Rule,as to me,amd therfore I deftroy them. Certainly,Chria within us is not contrary to Chrift with- out us : Chrift without us,did not deftroy theLaw ;Chrift within us, doth not deftroy the Gofpel. Therefore, for any now to throw up Ordinances upon this account, be- caufe they have the Spirit to lead, and guide them ; this is to walk contrary to all the Scriptures,both of theOld,and New Teftament. Oh ! that people would thinkofthis one thing, The Spirit was never given tobe the only Ruleofa mans life ; but it was given to help us to underftand, and to enable us to keep the Rule. Thus you fee,Ordinances, and Chrift living in a Chriflian, can Rand together. And fo you have the Firft thing cleared,and proved, Chrift liveth in all Feleever.t. Secondly. Whereby may it appeat,Tbat the Lord 3sfus Chrift doth fb live in a Beleever,ac that he bath agreater hand, andpoke, in all the aa ion! ofhis Spirituallif e, than a Beleever hatb him- f'elf? that jefm Cbrifi doth live more in a Beleever than bimfelf cloth ? The Scripture is very plain. If you look into the i . chap. of Paul to theEphefians, and the 'aft vette, there you find thefe