Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of drift in all Beleevers. 105 thefe words, ( fpeaking ofChrift and his Church) ii/hieb is , his body, the fulnefi ofhint that filled, all in all. Our Linder/tan - dings, our Wils, our AffeCtions, our Duties, they are but empty veffels til Chrift doth fill them, he filleth all, he fil- leth all in all. ye haveany Sails fpread in any Dutie, it is Chrift that lleth them. Look into the 3. chap. of that Epiftle to the Coloffians,ye Thal findat the 7 1. ver. it isfaid of Chrift, He is all in all. The words are,/3ut Chrifi is all, and in all. He is all in all men 5 fo it maybe read : Or,he isall in all things. Either way it may be read , and it fignifies both, He is al in al men and he is all in al things. Take the firft All,forall men ; and fo he is all inall them. Take the laft All, for all things ; and fo he is all in al them, in al things. Now if the Lord Jefus Chrift be al in al things, and in al men; then certainly, he ha tha greater hand and ftroke in the a&ions, the fpiritual aetions ofBeleevers,than themfelves have. Secondly. To make this clear to you by infiances, thus : 2. If the Lord Jefus Chrift have a greater hand andfiroke in our Converfion, in our Performance of Duties, in our O- bedience, in the grace ofour Sufferings, in our Affurance, thanwe, or Beleevers have themfelves, then, certainly,this part ofthe Do&rinemuff Randdeer and firm. Firti. As for our Converfion : Ye know what our Savi- or faies, None comes unto the Son, but whom the Father draws : Mat. lo. andnone knows the Father, but he unto whom the Son reveals him. 22. Convert me (faith the turning foul) and I (hall be conver- ted. As for our Performances, or Duties; Prayer, or what- 2. ever it is. Look into the S. Chapter to the Romans, and the 26. verf. Likervife the Spirit alfo helpeth our infirmities. But how doth this prove, that the Spirit hath a greater hand and ftroke in our Prayers than our felveshave ? Markwhat follows, For, weknow not what wefhouldprey for as we ought, but the Spirit it felfmalss_th intercegion for us, with groantn-gs which cannot he uttered. As for the matter ofour Obedience. You know what B.. the