Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

To6 TheSpiritual life) and In-being 4 5 Rear the Apoftle faith, both unto the Romans, and unto the Ga- latians, That we are led by the Spirit : Beleevers are led by the Spirit. Plus eft' agi, gas= regi. He doth not fay, We are ruled by the Spirit, but he faith, a Beleever is led by the Spirit not ruled, but led. It ismore to be led, than to be ruled : for when a man is ruled by another, he atcAs himfelf, and his own a&ions are Peen : but when a man is led, and carried away by another, though he may aEt himfelf, the others aftion is more feen than his. We (faith he) are led by the Spirit. As for our grace in Suffering; the deportment, and de-I meanourofa gracious foul in the time of Suffering. See, what our Savior Chrift (ales for that, in the to. ofMatthew' the x 9. and 20. verfes. But when they deliver you up, take no thought, how or whatyoufhall#eak: for it(hall be given youin thatfame hurt what yepall /Peak. For it if not ye that fivak, but theSpirit ofyour Father which fpeaketh inyou. So that he hath a greater ftroke in the grace, and carriage of a foul under his fufferings, than himfelf hath. As for the matter of our Aflilrance. You know Alfa, what theApoftle Paul faith, in that fame 8. ofthe Romans, Ye have not received thefpirit ofbondage again untofear; butye have received the Spirit ofadoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Fa- ther : the Spirit itfilfbearing noitneff with our [pities, that we are the children of God. So that now all theft Five things areclear. And ifthe Spirit and Chrift in a Beleever, the Spirit of Chrift, have a greater ftroke in a mans Converli- on, in his Performance, in his Obedience, in the grace of his Suffering, and in his Affurance, than himfelf bath then Purely, the Lord Jefils Chriti bath a greater hand and flroke in the fpiritual altions of Beleevers, than them- felves have; now that is proved. Togive you one Reafon for it. If a Beleever had a grea- ter hand and ftroke in his Spiritual aEtions, then the Spirit ofChrill ; then had he wherein toboaft : for he might fay thus : I have now been at Duty ; I confefs I have had Come help fromChrift,and from theSpirit ;but I had the great& hand.