108 The spiritual life, and In-being 2. and many times the foul that is his own doth not receive him in a way ofcomfort, is not able to fay, Chrift liveth in me. But who ever you are that make this ObjeZtion, or lie under this Fear ; give me leave to propound Four or Five Queftions to you. Firit, What is that in you, that doth ordinarily fway the great aEtions of your lives ? When the Lord Chrift comes into the foul, he comes as a King, prefently afcen- deth theThrone, and takes holdof the Scepter ; interefts himfelfin all that that doth fway the foul, and fwaies the anions of the foul : nowwhat is it that doth fway a mans actions ? Finis atlionis &minus et regime efr. The end fwaies the aetion. And look wha;-, that is that doth fway your End, that is it which liveth in you : if Self fwaieth your End, Self liveth in you ; if Chrifi fway your End, Chrift liveth in you. Now foul ! take all the ;talons of thy life, fince thouhaft fet thy face towards heaven, and as for the great turnings of your life, and the great atlions, Hath not Chrift been at the endof them ? Secondly. Do not you find a fecret kind of difpofition untoall theCommandements of the Gofpel ? Where the I Spirit is, there Chrift liveth. When the Lord makes a Covenant ofgrace, you shall obferve he promifeth, that he will give his Spirit, andwithal, that he will write his- Law in our hearts : and when he promifeth in the Co- venant of grace, that he will write his Law in our hearts, he doth alfo promife for to give hisSpirit. As when the Lordgave out the Law at firit to man-kind,he didwrite the Moral Law in mans heart; fo that theHeathen now have theLaw written in their hearts, the Moral Law ; where- by theyare difpofed and inclined to Morallity, andCivil- , lity : So when the Lord comes and makes a Covenant of grace with the foul, then hedoth give out his Spirit to the foul, and then he dothwrite his Law, the Law of grace, love, and of the r;ofpel in that foul, and that foul bath a ferret difpofition unto all the Commandements of the Gorpel. Now do ye not find it thuswith you ?. when (Dmei