Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of Chrifi in all Beleevers. 109 fometimes you are tempted to what is evil, do not ye fay thus, I cannot do it; Oh ! Lord, thou knoweft I cannot live as I have done, and I cannot want the prefence ofGod and Chrift. What means this Cannot ? but a Lawwithin, that God hath written in the heart, there is the Spirit, and there is Chrift. Thirdly. Do notyou find your fouls fornetimes,carried out to what is good, beyond and contrary to your own difpofitions,andnatural inclinations ? It is written ofIa- 3. :jam the Emperor, that He was an exceeding, meek, loving, , quiet, good natured man ; and yet He wasone of the grea- teft Perfecutors in thePrimitive times, He had his hand in two as bloody aEtions againfi theSaints, as any Perfecutor in thofe times : yet a manofa quiet, loving, fweer nature and difpofition. How came this to paffe ? He was a&ed by Satan, and being thus aEted beyond his own difpofition, and inclination, it argued that Satan had a greater hand and ftroke in his aEtion than himfelf had. So,when a man shall be carried on to what is good , even contrary to his own nature and difpofition:what doth this arguesbut that the LordChrift hath a greater hand and ftroke in that aZti- on than himfelf hath. Fourthly. Do nor you find, fometimes, ( who ever you are that make this Objeltion, or lie under this fear, That 4, Chrift doth not live inyou) do not you find, that fome - times your foul is carried out to what is good,beyondwhat you intended ? When Zacheus went up into the Sycamore - tree, he only went up to fee the outfideofChrift ; but he comes down, receives Chrift into his haute, there he bids himwelcome, and faith, Lord, Behold, the halfofmy goody Luke,,19, Igive to the poor. Zacheuo never intended this when he went up to fee Chrift ; What's the reafon ? The Lord Chrift was upon his foul, the Lord Chrift was at workupon him ; and becaule he was carried out farther in this good work than ever he intended, it thereby cloth appear , that the Lord lefus Chrift had a greater ftroke in this fpiritual aEtion of his than himfelf had. As onthe other fide, A wicked man, fornetimes, 8.