112 The Spiritual life, and In-being An W. I. a 3. have ; What,Conclufions, or preglical Meditations Pall we draw from hence ? I will name fome, and lay thembeforeyou ; carry them home with you. Firfi. If there things be true, Then may every one fay, Now I fee that the In-being of Chrift in the foul, is not a meer fanfie, a meer notion ; but carries with it the greateft reallity in the world. For when Chrift is in a Eeleever, there he lives, aEts, and works : yea, and he hath a grea- ter Broke in the fpiritual aaions of Beleevers, than them- felves have. Surely therefore, this In-being of Chrift in the foul, is a workof power, of almightypower, the fame power that railed up Chrift from the dead. Secondly. If thefe things be true, Then here may a man fay, I fee a great and vaft difference, between a God- ly and a Wicked man. Take a Wicked man, and though he be never fo great, or rich ; yet Satan is in him, Satan liveth in him, and ruleth in him ; the Prince ofthe air ru- leth in him ; and he is taken captive by the Devil at his will. But now take a Godly man, and though he be ne- ver Co poor, mean, yet Chrift is in him, Chrialiveth in him, Chrift hath a greater hand and ftroke in his aaions than himfelf hath. Take a Wicked man, of the higheft form , and though he do Pray, Hear, Reade, Confer, or fpeak of good things, yet not Chrift, but Himfelf works, and aas in him, Self worketh, andaaeth him. But take a Godly man, and though he be never fo weak, Ch rift li- veth in him, and hath a greater hand in his a&ions than himfelf. Who would not be Godly ? who would not get intolefus Chrift? Thirdly. Ifthere things be true, What defparate mad- nefs is it, for any to oppofe the Saints and Children of God? Efpecially for the matter of their Religion, and gracious A&ions It is oppofition done unto Chrift h im- fel f. Chria liveth in them ; and theLord Chrift cloth fo live in a gracious man, a Beleever, as he hath a greater okc in All his Prayers, and in all his Duties than himfelf bath.