Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

of ChrUl inall Beleevers. huh. Then for a man to Rand and fcorn, fcoff, and jeer at thePrayers, Duties, and gracious a&ions ofa Beleever ; what is it, but tomake oppofition, to Chriff Himfelf ? If there be ever an Oppofer, a Scorner in this Congregation ; Poor foul ! where wilt thouappear in the great day ? Fourthly. If all thefe things be true, Then may every 4. Beleever fay, Now I fee what a great evil it is for any child of God to fay, That his Duties arenothing but Hypocri- fie, or the work ofChrift Hypocrifie. Do you look upon the work of Jefus Chrifi, as fovile and bafe? nothingmore bafe in your eye than Hypocrifie. If Chrifi be in me, He liveth in me, He hath a greater hand and ftroke in all my fpiritual a&ions than my felf hath. Therefore through the graceofGod, I will be for ever wary, how I fay of my own Duties again, They are all nothing but vile crifie. - Fiftly. If thefe things be true, Then here now I fee the 5. reafon, why a Beleever is, and ought to be thankful toGod for all thole things that he doth toGod,and for God: Not only thankful for what he receiveth fromGod; but thank- ful for what he himfelf doth offer unto God. We reade of David, that when he and his people hadoffered a great Of- fering, he praifeth the Lord for his own willingnefs toof- fer unto the Lord. So a Beleever is not only to be thank- ful for what he receiveth fromGod, but alfo for what he himfelfdoth do to God,and for God : Why ? becaufe it is not he that doth it, but Chrifi living in him ; and the Lord Chrifi hath a greater ftroke in that a&ion which he doth to God, or for God than himfelfhath. Therefore infinite reafon, why we fhopld not only be thankful for what - we receive from God, but for what we do to, and for God. Sixtly. If all this be true, Thenhere we fee a mighty 6, engagement for every poor Beleever to come unto Duty, al- though his heart be dead, dull, heavie, and indifpafed unto it. Eecaufe it is not He, but Chilli worketh in him in Duty. Am I therefore dead, dull, heavy, and indifpofed X to ...apr,lnwasarmobe