iq The spirittial life, and In-being 7° S. to Prayer,or any Duty ; yet will Igo and offer my felf un- to God in Prayer. Either jefus Chria will come down up- on my Prayer, God will come down in my Duty ; or die he will not. lithe Lord do, what a mercy fhall it be unto me ! Ifthe Lord do not come down while I am at Duty, and work all my work for me ; it that be my affii6tion,and I wil mourn after God. But whether the Lord does come down in my Duty,or whether he does not ; it is as it plea- ted" Him, I wil wait upon the Lord, for it is He that wor- keth in us mightily. Oh ! my foul therefore, for ever wait upon God in Duty ; yea, althoughmy heart be hard,dead, dull, and indifpofed thereunto. Seventhly. Ifal/ this be true, What gracious, holy, heavenly lives fhould all thole lead, that pretend to the word Beleever. Some there are, that do pretend to the word Beleever; I am a Beleever; and they fay they have Faith. But if I have Faith indeed, then Chrift liveth in me ; Not the World liveth in me, but Chrift liveth in me ; Not Malice liveth in me, but Chrifi liveth in me ; Not Pride liveth in me, but Chrift liveth in me. But how many are there(poor fouls) that may fay in truth, Pride liveth in me ; and Malice liveth in me ; and the World liveth in me ; but Chria liveth not in me. And will ye fay then, that ye have Faith? Let us not be deceived. But if this be true, That Chrift liveth in all Beleevers, what gracious, and holy converfations fhould the converfations of Beleevers be? And whenfoever you fail in any thing, you fhould even fay, Yea, but would Chrift do fo ? My foul, thus and thus hail thou fpoken, but would Chrift have fpoken thus and thus? If all this be true, Why fhould wenot al Rand, wonder, and admire at the infinite love ofChria ? It was much love in Chrifi, for tocome down into our Nature; it was yet more, for to come down into our Hearts by his Spirit; yet more, for to live, a &, and work there: but the Lord Chrift he is not only come down into our Nature, come down into our Hearts, for to live, aec, and work there ; but the Lord