of chrili in allBekevers. H5 Lord Chrift hath an eye upon all our aaions ; the Lord Chrift hath a greater ilroke in al oue_Tiritual actions than our felves have : he is at the Beginning, and he is at the Middle,and he is at the Latter end ofevery altion. Had the LordChrift only given hirnfelf for us, what a great mercy had it been ! but he bath given himfelfTo us not only for as, but to us; he cometh and liveth in a Beleever : he liveth more in a Beleever, than a Beleever doth himfelf. What Love, Mercy, anclGrace is here ! You that are Beleevers, do you know your own Priviledge ? what it is to have Chrift living in you ? Only bear the wordof Exhortation: you that are made partakers of this great priviledge, Chrift living in you ; Chrifi in you the hope ofglory labor now to hold forth the vertues ofJefus Chrift in your lives. And when ye have done all, then walk Humbly, walk Hum- bly withyour God, and fay as Paul here ofthe true Belee- ver, I live, yet not I, but Chrifi liveth inme. I have been now at Prayer; yet I, but Chrift Prayed in me : I have been now at Conference, and fpoke fuch and fuch good words; yet not I, but Chrift worketh in me, fpeaketh in me. Upon this account, let us all laborto walk Humbly withour God, for it is Chrift more thanyou, Chrift hath I greater ftroke inall your aaions, than your felves have ; thereforenow, let every man fay, Ilive,,yet not but Chrifi -live!) inme. CO1.1.27 .1.........01610111 ....*.e.=eisonmlars THE