197 galiagiVep1MAtliMAO".0001A T H E VVoman of Canaan. A Ser- MATTT1EW)15. beginning at the 2T. verf. monprea- cbed at Then Wu, went thence, anddeparted into the coesof Ch rifts_ Tyre andSidon. Church 22.Andbehold, a woman ofCanaan came out ofthefame Oaob.26 Ives, andcrieduntohim, laying, Have mercy en 1647. me, ()Lord, thou Son of David, my daughter is grievoullyvexed with a devil. 23. But he anfwered her not a word. And his Difilpks came andbefought him, faying, Sendher away, for fhe crieth after to. 24. But he anfweredandfaid, Iam notfint, but unto the le fbeep ofthe houfeopfrael. 25. Then camelhe, andworfhippedhinJaying, Lprd helpme. 26. But he anfwered andfaid, It is not meet to take the children, bread, andce it to dogs. 27. And fhefaid, Truth, Icrd, yet thedogs eat ofthe crumbs whichfall from their matters table. 28. Then Yefo, anfweredandfaidunto her, 0 woman, great is thyfrith : be it unto thee, even as thouwilt. Andher daughterwas madewhclfrom that very hour. E have in this Story, a great Storehoufe of Hea- venly Comfort, and Infiration. I lhall labor (briefly) to open it at this timeunto ye. The