198 The Woman ofCanaan The word, tell, us, ofa great Miracle, wrought by. our Savior Chria, Gaffing out the Devil in one that was poi. felled. Concerning which cure,Two things contiderable: Where this cure was wrought : And by what means is was wrought. Wrought in the coasts ofTyre and Sidon And by means of a womans faith. For our Savior laid, 0 wo- man, great is thy faith be it unto thee, even as thou wilt. And her daughter mu made whole. The greatnefsof this womans faith, is let out by Three great Temptations that the did meet withal, when the came and befought our Savior for the cure of her child. Firtt, He anfwered her not a word; but was. filent, to all her mifery, and Prayer. This was a great Temptation, a great tryal. Secondly. He was not only fluent ; but when the fpake for her, he teems to give her a fiat denial : I am notfent, but to the le fheep of the houfe ofIfrael. And this was a further, and greater Temptation. Thirdly. When yet the preft in upon him,; hefeems to give her the repulfe, and to call her Dog : It,. it not meet to tape the children' bread,and to call it to Dogs. Here was a great Temptation indeed. But her faithwrought through all thefe Temptations. And becaufe (as ye (hall feeancl hear in the opening of the words) that there is none of all thefe Temptations, but one time or other, may befall the beltof Gods children : it will begood for us to obferve, How this womans faith wrought through every Temptation, that wemay do thelike in our 'Temptations. - But before we come unto that. The holy Ghat}` here, would have us take notice, Firit, From whence Chriii' came, and upon what occafion. Secondly, Whither he came, and how he was received. Firft of all, it is laid here, [Then jefua went thence.] He went from the Jews. He had been (as ye reade in the for- mer part of thechapter) difputing with them againft,their Traditions, Ye have made the commandement of God void, .through your Tradition", verfe 6. Whereupon they were' much