Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The 13'oynall of Canaan e' 199 a*.., much offended, verfe 12. Our Savior now then goes from them ; theywere offended, and reje&ed his words, and he goes from them. Thefe were the Jews that dwelt at Jan- falem, not themeaneit neither, TheScribes and Pharifees, theLearned men of that time, and thofe that were molt in account for Holinefs ; See what entertainment the Gofpel finds in Chrifts own time among the Learned, and thofe that were accounted the moil Holy : Scribes, Learned men, and the Pharifees, the moll precife, and ftri.&men ofthole times, and yet here the Gofpel is reje6ted by them. Chrift goes away, Chrift goes from thence, upon this ac.. count. O None more rigorous oppofers of the Gofpel of Jefits bferv. Chrift, than Learned men, and fuch as go for Holy, and Precifemen, being wedded to their own inventions : So were thefe here. Know ye therefore, men wedded to their own inventions, though never fo Learned, or never fo ftri& in their lives little hope that the Gofpel, or theLord Chrift, fhould find entertainment among them. Be not offended though this fall out. Jefus went from thence : But whither went he ? The text faies, [He departed into the coatis of Tyre and Sidon.] How fo ? OurLord & Savior Chrift, commanded his Difciples, that they fhould not go into the way of the Gentiles; but (faies he) Go andpreach to the loftPeep ofthe bottle oflfrael, but. Mat.10. go not into the may ofthe Gentiles. Will Chrift forbid his Dif- 5, 6. ciples and Apofiles to go into the way ofthe Gentiles, and will he himfelf go into the way of the Gentiles, go into Tyre and Sidon, how can this be ? Some anfwer it thus : That the Law-giver was not bound unto the Law that he made himfelf. Others anfwer it thus : Thatour Lord and Savior did not go unto Tyre and Sidon for to preach, but he went thither tobe hid. As in the 7. of Mark, (where ye have the fame(tory) From thence he arofe and went to Tyre andSidon, andentred into an houfe, and would have no man know it. In this refpe& now, he did not forbid his Difci- ples to go into the vvay of.the Gentiles. But