Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

200 The Woman ofCanaan ac® Obferv. rbil,3. 2 But the anfwer isclear, both in the 15. ofMatthew, and thatfame of Marti , He departed Fes ft 's unto the coafis of Tyre and Sidon. And in the 7. Mark 24. He arofe and went into the borders ofTyre and Sidon. He went unto fome place ofJudea hedid notgo into the way of the Gentiles, but he went unto fome Town and place in Judea, which wasupon the coatis of Tyre andSidon. And here now he being, A woman comes unto him. Who is defcribed at the 22. verfe, From her Country ; and from the Aecion which the did. Behold, a woman ofCa- aancame out ofthe fame coafis, and cried unto him, laying, &c. AWoman a woman ofCanaan, andBehold, a woman of Ca- naan As ilthat the holy Ghoft wouldhave us take fpecial noticeof it, Behold, a woman of Canaancame unto him. The Canaanites wereofall others the moil Wicked : the Jews werefor to call themout of their Nation, and not to con- verfe with them : in the Jews account they were Dogs. And therefore our Savior fa ies afterward, It is not lawful to cafe children: breadunto Dogs. She was a Canaanite. But now thisWoman, this Canaanite, the Beleeves; comes un- to Chriff, andBeleeves greatly : 0woman, great it thy faith. Pray let us obferve the wonderful difpenfation of God here. The Jews that Chrift was fent unto,' they reje&ed Chriii : a Canaanite that is called a Dog, receives Chrift. Oh ! the wonderful difpenfation of Gods grace! Mercy takes thofe in, and Free-grace takes in thofe into Chrift that are moil unlikely. The Jews, they were called the Children of the Kingdom; the children, they turn Dogs : Beware of the Concifion, beware of Dogs. Children turn Dogs, and Dogs turn Children : theCanaanite,a Dog, becomes a Childand beleeves ; and theJews that were the Children of the hingdcm, they turn Dogs and rend Chrift; Oh ! what Free-grace and Love is here ! Who would reil upon any outward Priviledge though it be never fo great? Who would be difcouraged in regard of any onworthinefre though it be never fo much ? tut