Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Tharerfirame:Citnam6a.,, Mut WhatTiles- Ehisavoman 'Sales[Ilie, tHavonerc) von re, 0Lord, thou Son ofDavid,wzy daughter is g,rievottfly vexed with a Devil.] Have mercy upon me, :0 Lord, thou fon of David. Why does the call him the fon of David? and not rather the fon ofAbraham ? and not rather the fon of Adam? and not rather the fon of Man? (as Charwas of- ten called) why does the here call him the fon of ? We find in Scripture, that Chrift and David did often exchange Names. And Davidy our Kingfhatlreign over you. jer.30.9 (A Promife madeto the Jews yet to be converted) that is, Chritt : DavidyourKing (and not Abraham)fhall reign o- ver you - but Davidyour King. David was the King of the people of God, and was to feed them : and fo Jefus Chrift is Kingof the Church, and feeds the people of God. Abraham was not a King, David a King ; and therefore, thou fon of David, and not, thou fon of Abraham. And then, the Meffiah ordinarily among the Jewes was called DaVid. And therefore this woman here faies,0 Lord, thou fen ofDavid. She does firit of all acknowledge his Deity ; and there- fore the call himLord, 0 Lord: Shee does acknowledge his Humanity, and Incarnation; and therefore flue faies,Thou fon ofDavid. Her Faith was rightly planted : here now ye have her Faith in the Mufierd-feed look but down a few verfes, and you find it grown up into a great tree, that the birds of theair, and the Saints, may come and build their netts in the branches of her Faith. But here it is planted. She had inher own countrey, Come that by Ex orfifme did undertake for to caft out Devils : the does not go to them : the had her own gods in her own countrey, the leaves them, and theSingles out Chrift, and the fingle3 out that Name, Title, and Attribute of Chrift, wherein was mot} of the Covenant, and moll of the Promife : and her faith now, being thus rightlyplanted, it rifes up unto great perfeftion, the comes on with bordnefs. y. But ilay,0 wonlan,a little,Thouart a great finner,thou art a Canaanite, and Co a Dog , and what doefl thou corn- 1 Y ming