The Woman ofCanaan &c. 20 faith rightly, her faith here it does work by Prayer, and it works by Love, and the faies thus, Have mercy vpon me, 0 Lord, thou fonofDavid, my daughter is grievoully vexed with a Devil. But what now is Chrifts anfwer to her .? [He anfweredher not a word.] Now comes theTemptations, the Three great Temptations; Do not wonder that I call thefe Tempta- tions. It is true, God tempteth no man, and Chrift temp- teth no man : but take Temptation for Tryal, fo Chrift tempts, foGod tempteth, Satan, he tempts a man for to draw out his Sin ; but Chrift tempts for to draw out our Faith. Satans temptations are black within, white and Tweet without : but Chrifts temptations are black without, white and fweet within. The first Temptation therefore, you have here, He an- fwered her not a word. Not a word ! Chrift is called the Word : The Word anfwers not a Word. The Fountain ofmercy teems to be inclofed ; as if he rejeeced Her, and her Condition ; as if he cared not for It, nor for Her ; He anfwered her not a Word. Here was a great temptation upon the woman, a great tryal ; for the might fay thus : I have heard, That the L 0 RD heaheth Prayer; and now I come and pray unto him, he anfwers me not a Word; How is theScripture true .? I have heard that this man faies, Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and Iwill eafeyou : and now I do come unto him, he anfwers me not a Word. The Centurion came unto him, and he hel- ped him. A poorLeper came unto him, and he helped him ; my condition is worfe than any bodies. Here was a great Temptation, Chrift anfwered her not a word. ThoughChrift anfwered her not a word, he heard e- very word : in not anfweringof her, he anfwered her. In not (peaking, Chrift fpeaketh much, (many times) for when he fpeaks no anfwer to your prayers, the language of his aetions fpeak thus, Pray on, Cry on, and lift tip your voice on High. Chritt holds the door dole, not Oa, t Y 2 he