Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Obfecv. nwan,q&th.- hemay keep you out, but that he may make you knock the more. Chrift lets you continue praying, not bccaufe, he does not regard your prayer, but becaufe he loves yo:;r prayer Powell, that he would hear your prayer again and again. Chrift knows, that ftrength comes in wreft- ling. it is no new thing then for Beleevers to haveno prefent, vifible anfwer to their prayers. But mark, although they have no vifible anfwer to their prayers, they have invil,ble firength : he anfwered her not a word to her prayer, but he affifieth her all that while in praying.: he gives her no anfwer to her prayer, but he gave her prayer, he gave her faith to continue in prayer. So long therefore, as the Lord Jefus Chrift does fend down his fpirit upon your heart in prayer; though ye have no vifible anfwer unto your prayer, yet if he uphold your heart in beleeving, to hangupon him, fill to wait upon him, your condition is not new, it is no other than that which befals the beft ofGods Children and true Beleevers ; thus it befell this woman. Ifthis Temptation do befal any of you as it befel this woman, to have novifible anfwer unto your prayer; pray do as this woman did : What did fhe ? Firft. He anfwered her not a word ; but fill fhe does acknowledge that he was able to help her, does acknow- ledge his Deity, and faies, Lord. So do you. Secondly. She does acknowledge; that it is his Of- fice forto help : and therefore (he faies, 7-bon fon of David. So doyou alfo fay in your heart, Though I have not help for the prefent, it is the Office ofChrift to help me; He is the fon ofDavid. Thirdly. She does not ref upon her own Duty, or her own Righteoufnefs ; but fhe comes unto meet mercy, and fhe waits or. that. So do you al fo. Fourthly. She does propound her mifery, leave her tra- cery at the feet ofthrift, and does not flint or limit him to this or that means. Lord (laic,: fhe)my daughter is grievoufli vexe&