Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

0#411 (cantign (ex. vexed; but the does not lay, how the would have her daugh- ter cured, the leaves that to Chrift, only propounds her mifery, and leaves that at the feet of Chrift, to take his own way, and ufe his own means. So do you alto. Fiftly. Shecontinues yet praying, yea, when the Dif- ciples had done. The Difciplesthey laid, Sendher array (at the 23. verfe) for fke crieth after us. Chrift made an an- fwer to them, and ye hearno more of the Difciples, they had done. Thus do you alto, as this woman did, Though your Friends, and the Difciples ofChrift that have been praying for you, beweary, have done, and have no more to fpeak for you ; yet hold you out, and continue praying. Thus did thiswoman, the would not leave Chrift, but the comes on afrefh, the comes unto him again. What is Chrifts anfwer anfwered andlaid, I am not fent, but onto the loll )(beep of the houfeoflintel.] Here now is the Second Temptation. And this indeed feems to be greater than the former. Before he anfwered her not a word ; and now here is denyal, teeming denyal, I am not fent, but unto the loft freep ofthe houfe ofIfrael. This Tempta- tion is greater : for now in this his dealing, his way feems to run crotfeunto Promifes. The Promife was made unto theGentiles ; the old Teftament is full of it : 42. of Efay, and the i. verfe. Hefrail bring forth judgment unto the Gen- tile'. verfe 6. Ihave given thee for a covenant of thepeople, for a light ofthe Gentiles. And fo in many places, Mercy is promifed unto theGentiles. Here now our Savior faies, I am notfeat, but to the loft fheep ofthe bowfe of Ifrael: His dea- ling with this woman, feems to run croffe to the Promifes. Yea , now he comes to the great unanfwerable Objeftion ; as if he fhould fay thus : There are a company ofpoor loft ones, that are my Cheep, eleaed, predeffinated to Salvation from all Eternity ; and I am fent unto them,_.I am not fent, but unto the loft Cheep ofthe houfe of Ifrael. Where- upon this woman might fay, Nay then, what do I waiting any longer for if I be not one of the Ele&, if I be not one ofChrifts Sheep, then there is no hope for me. This was a great