306 Tile Woman of Canaan &c. agreat, and a very great Temptation, to lay thefewords before her, a great Tryal, Iam not fent, but unto the loft Peep of the bottle ofIfrael. But mark her carriage : the does not fall to difpute the matter of EleCtion, or Predeftination ; the came andworfhipped him, laying, Lord help me, at the 25. verf. As ifthe fhould fay, Lord,whether I be EleCted or no, I do not know ; IN hether I be one of thofe loft fheep or no, I cannot tell 5 but I am fare I am loft, and therfore, 0 Lord helpme. Obferve, Obfer. i. Fill. A mans temptations may rile higher and higher, even after prayer; and yet pray aright. This woman did pray before, and her temptation rites after prayer, yet her prayer right, and her faith right. 2 Secondly. Obferve this, ThatGods dealings, orChrills dealings with a man, may fornetimes feem to run croffe to his very Promife, and yet a mans Condition right. So here with this woman. 3. Thirdly. That it may be thecafeof fome ofGods Chil- dren, tobe exercifed about their Ele&ion, and Precleflina- don ; and temptations concerning Election, and Predefti- nation thrown inupon them. Fourthly. That in cafe any poor Beleever, that is a weak perfon, weak in the faith, be tempted and tryed about De- Ction,or Predeftination, thebelt way for the prefent is, to lay that difputeby, and to run to mercy, and fay, Lord help me: and for the prefent, not to difpute whether hebe a Sheepor no, EleCtedor no, Predellinated or no, but run to Chrift, andgo toPrayer, and fay, Lord help me, and lay the difpute by. Again. As our Temptationsencreafe, fo our Faith Thal encreafe. ThewomanTemptations role, fo did her Faith too ; She came and worfhipped him,fajing, Lordhelp me: ftill the heldon, and hung upon Jefus Chrift. According to the encreafes ofour Temptations, fo fhal the encreafes ofour Faith be. If al this wil not do, behold now a Third, and a greater Temptation. He anfwered andlaic', It is not meet to take the -children breadand toeafi it to dogs. It