1 TheWomanofcanaan &c. 1 it is not mat to cafl childrens bread to D0 G S.] The word in theoriginal is5 a Whelp. ADog grown) or a Ma. hiff,m ay be,& is good for fomething, of great ale )but what is a Whelpgood for, (for the prefent ) of what ufe ? It is not meet to call childrens bread untoWhelps. To CAST Children! bread] It intimates thus much,That God does cafi force Outward bleffings upon Wicked men, that are even Dogs : but the bread of Children is fo dif- penfed, Gofpel-bread is fodifpenfed, as nothing (hall be loft. Here was a very great Temptation, and greater than the other. Dog is moil unworthy. When the Scripture would fet out the unworthinefsof a man, and the abjea condi- tion of any, he is called a Dog. Goliah could underhand this, Am Ia Dog? that thou comefi out thus againfi me. Am I I Sam. fo bafe,vile, and unworthy? am I a Dog? And fo 17.43. bofbeth, when hewould acknowledge his own Unworthy- nefs to David, he cats himfelF, a Dog,and a dead Dog. So Hafael, Anal a Dog? Yet faies our Savior here, It is not meet to cafi children! bread unto Dogs. This woman now, her heart might have rifen, and the might have laid thus, (one would think) I am no Dog ; I am a Woman,though a fin- fill Woman, but I am no Dog : I have now come & fpread my condition, and mifery before ye ; if ye will not relieve me, do not mifcall me ; ifye will not helpme, yet do not abufe me ; ifye will not helpme, yet pity me, do not call me Dog, I am no Dog. The Jews, that you call the chil- dren of the Kingdom, they indeed are Dogs, they turn a- gain and rend you, but I do not turn again and rend you, I am no Dog. Her heart might have rife at thisphrafe : Herewas a great Temptation now, a mighty Trial here in this Third thing. Obferve : It is no new thing for true Beleevers, Gods Obferv. own people, to have their unworthinefs oVeEted to them. It is anordinary thingamongli men and women, I amUn- clean , I amUnworthy ofCommunion with, the Saints, Communion withGods people,with Chrift, I am a Dog, I am 207