am moft unworthy, it is no new thing for true Beleevers to have their own unworthinefs obje&ed to them. But mark, how this womans faithworks through this Temptation. Safes the, True, Lord, yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their maps table. True] The word is the fame that in the Corinthians ye ICor,1 5 . trangate, Protell. I protefi by our rejoicing, that I die daily. 33. And it fhould rather be tranflatedCo; Tea, by our rejoycing, tre diedaily,: rather than in the form of an Oath, (as it is there) it is the fame word that is here for, True. Obfer. s. Ye cannot charg a Beleever fodeeply, or fpeak fo mean- ly ofhim, but he does think and fpeak as meanly of hirn- fel f : Lord, thoudoeft call me a Dog, and one that is molt unworthy ; True, Lord, I ammoft unworthy. Sorne,they will difpraife thernfelves ; but if you -difpraiCe them too, then theywill be angry : ifyou fal in with their own dif- praifes, and fay, 'Tis true ; then they will be angry. But a true Beleever, you cannot fpeak, or think fomeanly of him,but he wil fay, True, Lord, true. 2 Lord Obferve here, the cals Chrift Lord, when Chrift cats her Dog. Lord, (tales fire) though thou fpeakell dif- honourably ofme, yet I will (peak honourably of thee : though I am a Dog in thy mouth, thou art a Lord in my mouth. Agracious heart, and a true Beleever, wil fpeak and think honourably of Jefus Chrift, even then, at, that time, when the Lord Jefus Chrift (hall fuffer the greateft dirt and reproach to be thrown upon him : True , Lord. Em the dogs eat the crumbs.] Thirdly. True faith finds out a promifein thevery refufal, in Chrifts refufal : finds out Encouragment in thebowels ofDifcouragment. True Lord , Bread is for Children ; that is, the loaf, the piece that is cut off the loaf; bathe Crumbs does as well be- long to the Dog, as the Loaf belongs to the Child. And Lord, thou faieft l am a Dog, therefore a Crumb does be- long to me. True faith, it gathers in upon Terns Chrift, and gathers in upon himby that very hand that kerns to put