Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

TheWoman ofcanaan &c. '97 put the foul away from him : it makes advantage ofa dif- couragment, and gathers in upon Jefus Chrift, even by that hand that does thruti it away. The dogs eat tke crumbs. Again. Youmay obferve here, That the lead of Chilli, is highly prized with a true Eeleever : a gracious heart, a true Eeleever, does highly prize and value the lean of Chrift. A crumb, a crumb, Oh: ifI may have but a crumb, a crumb (hall be welcome, Lord, a crumb ofmercy is wel- come : the loaves are for Children, but if I can get a crumb, I will praifeGod for it, I will becontented. The lead, the worft ofChrift in the eye ofa Beleever, is highly valued, and he fets a great price upon it. Lafily. All this is faid by a Woman. Women ufually are not of that boldnefs, but more eafily dath'd out of countenance. Faith rites above our Nature, and above our natural difpofition. Faith had gotten into this wo- mans heart, and the forgets her own difpofition, the comes like anyMan, with boldnefs upon Jefus Chrill, follows him, and will never let him alone. Faith riles above our own Difpofitions, and above our Natures. Fromall this, you may obferve here. Ifyou be temp- ted with confideration of your own unworthinefs, how you thould give an anfwer unto thole temptations. Do as this woman did ; if I be a Dog, Lord, yet I am thy Dog ; and if I bea Dog, Lord, yet crumbs belong to me ; and if I be never fo great a finner, mercy and grace is for fin- ners, and I come tomercy. Oh ! fill, hill hang upon Je- fus Chrift, Hill hangupon Jefus Chrift, and never let him go. Ab negandopromitta, he does promi.fe in denying. There was honey-combs found in thebody of the Lyon. Dobut hang upon Jefus Chrift, hang upon him by faith, and youwill find hony-combs in the micIft of all thofe temptations, and difcouragernents that you do meet wit-h- all. And though for the prefent he does feem to give a denyal unto all your prayers, yet at the loft he will own your prayers, he will own your faith, and he will fay un- z