210 TheWoinan of Canaan &c. to thee, Man or Woman, Great is thy faith : be it unto thee e- ven M Thou wi Jr. I come to the Viecory after this Combate. Then _7efus an- fwered, and[aid unto her, [0 woman, great is thyfaith : be it un:o thee even as thou wilt.] Here now the Lord does give a Teftimony of her faith, and he does give her the mercy de- fired First, he commends her faith : and fecondly, he commends the greatnes of her faith, 0 woman great is thy faith. well. Why d,es he rather commendher Faith, than other graces I fhe had other graces : Here is Humility in this woman to be feen ; here is a great deal ofWifdom in this woman to befees; here is Prayer; her,: is Per feverance in prayer ; Chrift commends none ofthefe, but commends her Faith : why does he rather commend her Faith, than any other grace ? Faith does commend Chrift above all the other, and therefore Chrift will commendFaith above all other Du- ties or Graces. Faith honors Chrift, and Chrift will ho- nor Faith. It is faith that gives a Being to, and is the root of all other graces. He commends that : It is only faith that brings Chrift and the foul together ; and therefore he does commend faith above all other graces. If the Lord Jens Chrith does commend faith fo, why (Mould we not all labor epecially to ftrengthen our faith. Get faith, you that have it not ; & ftrengthen it, you that have it Get Humility, Patience, Wifdom ; be much in Prayer, and continue in Prayer ; but above all things get Faith : Faith is the grace commended by Jefus Chrift a- bove all other graces ; therefore we fhould labor above all for to get faith, and to ftrengthen faith. It is obferved from this place, that Chrift commends none but the Gen- tiles, the faith oftheGentiles : He faies concerning the Centurion, Ihave notfoundfogreat f tith, nonot in Ifrael : he was a Gentile. And here he faies concerning this woman, 0 woman, great is thyfaith : and the was a Gentile. What ever therefore thou haft been though a Canaanite, though a Sinner, though a great Sinner; get faith, labor to fireng- then Anfete.