Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The TramIn of canao 2/1 then thy faith, and the Lord Jefus Chrift will own thy faith at the laft : though for the prefent he feerns to hide himfelffrom thee, yet he will own it at the laft, and he will commend it at the laft. Secondly. He commends here the Greatnels ofher faith. Wherein was the Greatnes of her faith ? Faith confilts in the knowledge of Chrift, affent unto the truth, a relying upon God in Chrift in time of temptation, it's a Coming to jefus Chrift; an Adherence to him. But the greatnefs of her faith lay in this, That in the midi} ofall chefe temp- tations,' yet the did hang on Chrift, and would not be bea- ten offby any of thefe difcouragernents, or temptations. Here was the greatnelsof her faith. The firength of faithdoes not lie in the affurance ofour Salvation, or of Gods love, or ofthe mercy that we defire in prayer ; one may have ftrong faith, and yet no affu- rance : I fay, not only faith but ftrong faith. This wo- man had no Affurance (that we reade of) not affurance of the thing that fhe begged, that the Lord would hear her prayer ; flue had no affurance of it, only the hung upon Chrift, and would not away. And when he put her a- way, fhe gathered in upon him : in the micift of all temp- tation and oppofition, itill fhe did hang upon him. So then, a man may have faith, and ftrong faith, although he have no affurance. And upon this account, How many are there that have ftrong faith, that think they have no faith at all. Some think they have no faith, becaufe theycannot fay, Chrift is mine, Mercy is mine, Heaven is mine : but yet, if in the time of your temptation ye can hang upon Chriii, and will not away fromChrilt, but will Bill bang upon him, [till wait upon him ; you have not only faith, but you may have strong faith, agreat faith as this woman had. And !wet me tell you this for your comfort: at the laffthe Lord will make a repOrt of your faith unto your own heart : Yea, he will make a report anfverable to yo it temptation : for you may obferve here, That as the wound Z 2 IV as Obferv.