300 TheWoman ofCanaan &c. was made, fo the plaitter was laid. You have Three great temptations : An fwerably now, the Lord jefus Chri ft does teiti fie of this womon. Firft °fall, He anfwe- red her not a word, would not own her, wouldnot fpeak to her : Now (faies he) 0 woman. Then he laid, That be was not fent, but unto the logfheep. Now he does own her for a Sheep, and he faies the bath Faith. Before he faies, It ii not meet to caft children: bread to dog:. This did argue that the was a Dog, one mot} Unworthy. Now, he faies, that the is mote Worthy ; 0 woman, thou haft not only faith, but thou haft a great faith, 0woman, great is thyfaith. So that I fay, ftill hang upon Chrift; in all your Tempta- dons, in the midft ofall your Difcouragrnents, (till hang upon Chrift ; and the Lord Jefus, he will not only make a. report ofyour faith unto ye, but according as your temp- tations rife, fo (hall the report ofyour grace be from the Lord Chrift unto your poor foul : therefore, hang _upon Chrift. He does not only here, give a tefiitnony ofher faith,and the greatnefs ofher faith ; but now hedoes give the Thing: Be it unto thee a: thou wilt. Chrift can deny nothing to a true Beleever : a Beleever may have what he will ofChrift at laft. Chritt cannot hold : though he do hide himfelf from his brethren (as Yofeph did) for a time, he cannot hold it out alwaies, he cannot hold out the liege alwaies, but he will give up himfelfto a poor Beleever, 0poor Be- leever, Be itaccording as thou wilt : thou would ft have. Grace, thou wouldll have thisbr that Mercy; Be it unto thee even as thouwilt. Pieonly takeone Lefron from all, and fo conclude. And the great Lefton that we fhould all Learn from this whole Story is, To beleeve in the face ofallDifeouragement, of all Oppofition all Temptation; fill' to hang upon jefus The very reading ofthis flory provokes us herenuto.What- foever your Temptations be , whatever your Difcourage- men ts be, yet hang onChri ft, never away, dill wait up- on him. You