Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

She WomanofCanaan&c. i i3 You fay, (it may be) But I fearChrift and the Promife Objeli. does not belong to me. But did Jefus Chrift ever fay unto ye with his own mouth, Anjw. I am not Gent, but unto the loft Peep; and thou art none ? He Paid fo to this woman, andyet the did hang upon him, and he commended her for her faith. But you will fay unto me; I have been at prayer , I Objet. have prayed long, and. I hear nothing of all my pra- yers. This woman did pray to Chrift , he anfwered her Anfw. not a word, and yet the did hang upon him , yet Thee did beleeve ; and Thee is commended for her belee- ving. You will fay, I am one that have been a great finner ; an Objet` . Uncleanwretch, even as a Dog ; furely there is no hope, and nomercy for me. Did the Lord Jefus Chrift ever Himfelf fay to you, as he Anf faid to this woman ? feeming to call her Dog; yet the did hang upon him, yet the did wait upon him, yet fhe did be- leeve,and the Lord commended her for her faith. I Pray, indeed, but it's my Necefficies makes me go unto Object. God in Prayer, and when I gountoGod in Prayer, my Neceffities put me on. Andwas it not fo with this woman ? Her daughter was Anf grievoufly vexed with a Devil, and thereupon her Neceffi - ty drave her unto Chrift ; and yet, poor woman, the is welcome. But, I do not go unto Jefus Chrift; I go not unto Chrift Objet at all. But Jefus Chrift yet will come to you. This woman Anf. did not come to Jerufalem, Chrift went down unto the coafts ofTyre and Sidon ; Chrift came to her, and yet the beleeved, this Rood with faith, andChrift commended her faith. I have no Atrurance of Chrifts love and mercy towards Obje me.