2 4 The Wornatt ofCanaan Anfw. Tell me, Had this woman any affurance of the mercy that the prayed for ? She only brings in her wants, pro- pounds them to jefusChritt, laies them at his feet, hangs upon him, and this washer faith ; and fhe is commended for her faith, and thegreatnefs of her faith, 0 woman, great is thyfaitb. So that, do but now hang on Chrift, though thou had not affurancc ofthy Salvation, or ofthe love ofGod, yet in the faceof all Temptation, and all Dircoaragment, hang on Chrift, never away, never be beaten off by any Difcouragment, hang onChrift, wait on Chrift, and the Lord Chrift will at latt commend thee for thy faith, and hewill fay unto thee, Be it unto thee as thou wilt. How (hall people, that go on in a continued way ofDoubting and Unbelief, ever look this poor wo- man in the face at the great day of Judgment? this poor Canaanitith woman ? How will you be able, you that go on in a continual wayof Doubting and Unbelief, to look the Lord jefus Chilli in the face ? Stir up your (elves, fir up your felves I befeech you, to this great work of Belee- ving. Iconfefs it's a hard thing toBeleeve, and harder to Beleeve than to keep all the Ten Commandements ; there is fomething in Nature to contribute towards the keeping of the Ten Commandements ; but there is nothing in Na- ture to contribute to thy Beleeving on the Lord Jefus Chrift. It is a very hard thing to Beleeve truly ; and thole that make it an cafe matter, they donot knowwhat it is to Beleeve. But reade over this tiory, and your hearts will be provoked to Beleeve, to hang upon jeflis Chrift; do it, and the Lordwill commendyour faith,and own you and your faith. F I N I S.