Perdidifti Deurn; ti- nauifti tollerent gentem, & tuftule- rut Drum; quia te- nere vol tenen- do male z- milifti; & fine terra rernanlifti, & fine Deo. Aa- guftin an Joan. i x. 48. Traa Aliquis &inn- al;- o adjuvari dupliciter, vel pro- later addi tionem novae vir- tutis; fic infirmi eft; tic Deo non coin petit.; vet per execu tionem prioris, in quantum alignis per alium earequitur fizam or- dinatione': fic Deus per nos adjuva- ru r, Mom 4guia. receiveChrift andhisKingdome,leaft they fhould lofe their owne King- dome; and thereby they loft both their God and their Kingdome , as Attflin obferves. But who ever loft his Sce- pter by fubmitting unto Chrifts Sce- pter ? I may fay truly , PoteflasChrilli is rather Cumulativa then Privativa. In helping Chrift to his Throne,. you (hall helpe your felves to your honours and greatneffe. Iwill not fay thatCh rift hath needof you , he hath no need of us : But if that of the Schooles be true, vii. that one ishelp, ed by another, either by addition of new ftrength andvertue, or by the ex- ercife of what was formerly given, then Jefus Chrift may in form fenfe ( and that according to Scripture Phrafe , ridges 5. 23 ) be Paid to be helpedby you. Great confedracies will be