be railed againft himwhen he comes to his Kingdome. Pf. 2. I, 2. But God who fits in Heaven, laughs at thole combinations.v.4. and in fpiteofthem will let his Kingupon his holy hill of Zion. v. 6. And to him that over- comethwill I give to fit downe with me in myThrone fayethourSaviour, even as I haveovercome and fit with rnyFather inhis Throne Rev.3. 21. Wherefore molt Honourable, benot overcome with evill,be not overcome, with difficulties, with oppofitions or combinationsof men ; but overcome evill withgood, and -do what in you lies tobring this bleffedKing lefus un- to his Thron and Inheritance, that as al the earth indue time fhall,foEng/and in fpeciall manner may become the Kingdomof our Lord Chrift,andwe mayall fay,theLord Godomnipotent reigneth amongfl us.