Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Fd ate 1,° A--x 0° 75' CHRISTS COMING Is At OUR 'MIDNIGHT Mat. 25. verf. 6. And at midnight there was a cry made , Behold, the Bridegroome cometh. N this parable, ye have the ftate and poftu re of the Church a little before, and at the coming of Jefus Chrift. Then Ad the Kingdome of heaven be likened unto ten Vir- gins. verfe r. Sometimes the DoEtrine and grace of the Gofpell, is called the Kingdome ofheaven : The Kingdome ofheaven is like to 4grainofmtillard-feed, &c. This cannot be meant here ; becaufe in the Gofpel there are not ten Virgins. Sometimes the Bate of glory above is called the Kingdome of heaven : That is not meant here, becaufe there are no foolifh Virgins, Sometimes the Church ofChrift under the New Teftament, is called the Kingdome of heaven ; for there God appears, manifefts himfelfe, and it is heaven on earth : and this is that which is here called the Kingdomeof heaven. Which King- dome is defcribed by the Governour, King and Head there. of : Andby the fubjals ofthat Kingdome. The Subjects are defcribedby their Agreement and Difagreement, Firft, they B agree