Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

2 1 Crifts coming is at our midnight. agree in this, that they are all Virgins ; though fome foolifh, yet Virgins, not defiled with men, or the pollutions of the world : 'tis poflible a fooli(h,and unfound heart may go thus farrein Religion, to he free from the pollutions of the world, yea, through the knowledge of Ora, fayes the Apoftle 'Pe- ter. Secondly, they agree in this, that theyhave all their Ad nihilii Lampes, good and bad, wife and foolifh under Ordinances, which arc the Lampes, whereby the golden oyle of the fan- etuary is emptied into our hearts. Thirdly, they agree in this, that they are all expeetants, wife and foolifh wait the bride- groomes commit:0 : they all thinke to receive good and have a good day eby the comming of Jefus Chriti : this is farre, yet thus farce may a foolifh Virgin go. Fourthly, they all agree in this, that they had oyle in their lampes : indeed, verfe the 3 it is faid, that the foolifhVirgins tookno oyle reith valctquod them ; but verfe the 8 they fay, Our lampes are gone out: So non valet that oyle they had once, but they had not enough, and fo ad kern fuum. none; parts and gifts, and common graces a man may have, not only his lampe but Come oyle in it for a time, yet be a foolish Virgin. Fifthly; they agree in this, that they keep Company, have Communion and fellowfhip together in the Chim-ch ; yea, fo farre that the foolifh are not knowne till Chrifis comming : fo fmoothly may a fooliin Virgin carry it, yet remain fooliffe Sixthly, They all agree in this alfo ; that they bold out their profeilion, with lamps, and waiting till the bridegroom comes. So rh.it poffibly, a man may be a Profeffor of the Gofpel, and &care up his Profeflion a- mong the belt, even to the !aft, yet be unfound at heart , and a foolifh Virgin. Thus farre they agree. But Secondly, though thefe Virgins agree in many things, yet they difagree in the point of Vi, i ftdome : for the wife got fo much oyle as did ferve till the ha; the foolifh not fo z there was dieliks °lei, verfe 8. . Secondly you have here the defeription of the King, Go- vernour and Head ofthis Kingdom; who is deft: ribed from. and by the manner of his coming. Firft, he comes as a Bridegroom. Secondly, he comes apparently. Not as in, the