Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Chrifis coming is at our midnight. the dayes ofhis Bethwhen he came more hiddenly ; behold a great cry, dec Thitclly he comes fuddenly, unexpeetedly , in the molt darke time, he comes at midnight. Now Chrifts coming is either fpirituall and invifible , john 14 18 I will not leaveyou comfortlep ' I Will come to you , Or vifible and that either at theday of judgement : orelle at the calling and conversion ofthe jewes, when he will appeare in the clouds, and come to jet up his Kingdome in this world,in a more glorious manner then ever.So Rev. I.7. Behold, he cometh with cloudes , and every eye fballfee him, and they alfo whichpierced him , that is the Jewes , and all kindreds ofthe earthfhallwaile becaufe ofhim, evenfo, Amen. Which relates unto the 12. Chapter of Zachariah , verfe the o, r r, t 2, 13, 14 /will poor capon the houfe of David , and upon the inhabitants of Jerufalem , the Spirit of grace andlap- plication ; and they fball look upon me whom they have pierced, and they (hall mournfor him as one mournethfor his onlyfon,&.c. In that day there (hall beagreat mourning in Jerufalem, and the landfhall mourn, everyfamily apart; thefamily of the houfe of David apart , and their wives apart ; thefamily ofthe &life of Nathanapart, andtheir Wives apart; thefamily ofthe houfe of Levi apart, and their Wives apart,&c. Which cannot be under- ftood of the day of judgement, becaufe then the families of David, Nathan, Shimei , Levi, (hall not mourne apart, and their wives apart. Of this coming of Chrift to fet up his Kingdome, I rather take this parable to be underftood and not of his coming at the day of judgement ; for in the 24, of Matthew, theDifciples did propound threequeftions I to our Saviour Chrift, verfe the 3. Tell la When fhall thefe things be? that is the deftruetionof the Temple; and what 'hall be the figne of thy coming, and of the end of the world? To the laft he cloth anfwer firft ( as is ufuall in Scripture , ) negatively, verfe the 6. refhallheare of Warres and rumours of wanes, but the end is not yet. Affirmatively verfe the 14. e/ind this Golpel of the Kingdome , (hall be preached in all the worldfar a witneff'e to all Nations, and then (hall theendcome. B 2 To