Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Chrifis coming is at our midnight. To the firft queftionhe doth anfwer in the fecond place, verfe the 15, and 16. And to the fecond he doth anfwer in the third and !aft place, becaufe he intended to fpeake molt to that , and fo proceeds to fpeake of his coming and the fignes thereof, in theafter part of the z4. Chapter , and verfe the 37, 39, 40,44,46, 50, and fohe goes on in this beginning of the 25. Then 'ball the Kingdome of Heaven be like unto ten virgins, In which parable Dill he fpeakes of his coming as before , for verfe i3. he concludes this parable thus, Watch ye therefore, forye know not the houre wherein the Son ofman corneth. Betides, Chrift comes not as a Bridegroome , but as a Judge at the day of judgement. And ifye look into the 19; 21, 22 chapters ofthe Revelation, where mention is made of the glory ofChrifls kingdome in the latter times,ye firid,that the converting Jew, who there Gags the Hebrew fong Halle- luja, is called, the Bride, the Lambes wife, faying, come Lord. 7efia. And at the eighteen and nineteene verfes of the nine- teenth Chapter,mention is made of a great battell:But there is no fighting, nor battelling at the dayof judgement; That is no time for feafting , nor tiippers neither ; but at.weddings and marriages therewere, and are great fuppers, which-we readefhall be at this time , verfe 17.. And as the wife enter, fo the foolifh, and thole that tell, and make lies are aux out. Finding therefore all thefe things, at that coming of Chrift, thus to fuit with thisparabie, I rather incline to thinke, that it cannot be underfloodofthe dayofjudgement, but ofthat time when Chris} will appeare at the Jewesconverfion, to fee up his kingdome on earth, in that glorious, and blared man- ner which all the Prophets bearewitneffe unto. And becaufe,all the ViLiories, and deliverances that Chrifl, worketh for the churches in the meane time , are fo many fteps unto this kingdome , and comingof his therefore in Scripture phraie , Tometimes , they are called his coming. Matthew 17. His transfiguration was called his coming in his ]Kingdome; forChapter a 6. 28. Chrift faith , Therebe forne Sanding. here , whichAall not LIPof death till they fee the fon of