Chrifis coming is at our midnight ofman coming in has Kingdome. And then verfe I. Chapter 17. it is fail, AnJafterfix dayes, ?efus tak,eth Peter, James and John his brother , and bringeth themup into an high mountable apart andwas transfiguredbefore them. In three Gofpels, this hiftory of the transfiguration is linked unto that fpeech , 2'.here are Tome(landing here , which (ball not tee of death till Lhey fee thefon ofman cominginhisKingdome,with thole words, And after fax dayes Nips tooke Peter , &c. Our Lord and Saviour Chrift was then come when he fpake thofe words ; but he was to come in a more glorious way and manner to fet up his Kingdome, and his transfighration being a tafteof that glory and coming , it is here called his coming in his King- dome. So all thefe great deliverances and viaories which Chrift worketh for his Church, being fo many tails, and fore- runners of his coming in his Kingdome, they may be called his coming too ; Purely, they are as fo many Reps that he takes in the way of his coming to his Kingdome. But fayes the text, He comes at midnight; That is, in a time when he is leaft expected, fuddenly , and whenwe are molt in the dark. And fo the Obfervation is this. Chrift comes, at midnight : Though his coming be moft expeaed, yet he will come in a time whenhe is leaft expe- aed ; when he comes as a Bridegrootne , he comes at rnidnight,in a time whenhe is leaft expeeted,in the darkeft time ; Chrift comes .at midnight. Behold (fayes Chrift) I comeas a thief; theeves come in the darkeft time,a timewhen they are leaft expedeclifo will Chrifts coming be. For the opening and clearingof which truth, I fbg labour to thew, Drit That our Lord and Saviour Chrift will come againe. Secondly, That he will come at Midnight., Thirdly, Giveyou thine account why he choofes rather thus to come at mid-, night, then otherwife. And then draw down this by way of Application, to our prefent occafion. Firft , Our. Lord and Saviour Chrift will come againe. I. Take his coming for, his Spiritoall coming; and B 3 though