Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

fight into tbyintricate'tiiethodsoleic Old Ser- pent ) anditaiiily to ilifoveitpollwhat rocks and finds thefaithof in4ny , fuffer fbipwrack: Thine, toawe thee witblirituaCirmour of 1 Ther.., pioof , called a Bic, tAst-PLATE, beraufe it 5,.;;;8:,. Ephef. 6.16, 0tigeGt- ofh. 77,arnmrz7 guards the heart or (as the word elfiwhere iholds it out ) A LONG-°1 A R.GE.-SHIELD _Which is very dexterous to defend the whole ofa ChriffianSouldier from all the fiery darts 6fTfiEWItKED-ONE, Reader, Let be thine, to befieckthee by the mereierofGod; (as thou tenderefi the ace andwelfare ofallwithin thy own taber- hack) immediately toput in praFfifi the holy Conteizts of this Experimental) Book. For if thou, art one of the LORDS-Simons , Behold ! Satanhash defired tohave thee,that he may fift thee as wheat. Oh therefore make pros flonfor thyflutewith allifieed,befire the bo*e temptationdraweth an. It is not truevalour, but defecate fool-madnere , to adjourne this "Every -dayes bufineffe ofeverialiing concern,- went : Becaufem tbis,as in overfightsofWar; there is no rodmiiir a ficond'retraelatiorki, Iii error. biingunrecosterabk: