6 1 Chqseomingi4At our roiAnight. though now abfent from your foule , yet he will come againe. john 14.23. Ifany man love me , my father will love him, and we will come unto him andmake our abode with him. 2. Secondly , Take his coming for his Perfonall, vilible co- ming at the day of judgement, fo he will come again. 2 They: a, Chap. 7, 8,9, To. verfes. 3. Thirdly, Take his coming for his appearing in the donde! , when he will come to fet up his Kingdome , fo he will come again before that great day ; for ifye look into the Scripture, ye (hall find that his coming and his Kingdome are knit toge- ther, do fynchronize Dan, y. 1 3,14. So in many Scriptures ye (hall find his coming,and his King_ dome do go together. Now ifye look into the a a. of the Re- velations, we [hall find it fpoken of times yet to come; TheKingdomes of this world are become the Kingdomes of our Lord, andhis Chrift , and he J all reignefor ever andever: verC the z s. eAndwegive thee thank!, 0 Lord, GodAlmighty, be- tattle thou haft taken to thee thygreat power, anal be reigned, verfe [7. which cannot be underflood of the day of judge- ment ; for then the Nations are not angry , then the Templedoore is not opened , as is here faid verfe 18, and 0. I would not be miftaken here ; for I do not thinke that Chrift (hall come and raigne , continue raigning upon earth a thoufand years, I do not fee how the Saints can fpare him out of heaven fo long. Neither do I thinke that this his coming isonely to be underfloodof a fpirituall coming into the fouls ofhis, fo filling their fouler with his fpirit, that they fhall have need of Ordinances no more ; for in thole glorious times, though there (hall be no Temple , that is , a Jewifh Temple, yet the Temple doore , that is , the Gofpel Temple, (hall be opened. And inZachariah the laft , which is plainly fpoken ofthe glory of the latter timesyet to come , it is faidexpref- ly three times in that Chapter , that men go up to keep the feaft of Tabernacles, an allu(ion to the Jewifh Or- dinance. But why not the feaft of Paffeover and Pentecoft, onely the feaft of Tabernacles ? many reafons may be givbeunt,