Chrijqs coming is at cur midnight. but I think one is ; Becaufe the feaft c f Tabernables had been more negleeled then other feafts ; for upon the coming out of Babylon , in the S. of Nehemiah 'cis faid , they had not kept that feaft from the time of yofbisa, the fonne of Arun to that day, which was alrnoft a thoufand yeares. Now the Holy Ghoft feeing what degenerations there would be in our latter times, and lofings , and negle1ings of Ordi- nances , he faith here , that then they (hall keep the feaft of Tabernacles : that is, in the expreffionof the Jews , obferve thofe Ordinances efpecially , which had been moil de- faced and forgotten : But I keepe to the words of Scrip- ture. Chrift (hail come in the cloudes again,when the poor Jewes (hall fee him and thofe which are called Forfaken , than be called Beloved the Kings bride, when the fulneffe of the Gentiles (hall be come in , when Chrift himfelf (hall let up his Kingdome in the world, his Regnom potentix , not pa- tienti.e: when he (hall rule from lea to fea , when he (hall come not riding upon an affes colt , but in the cloudes, with thoufands of Angels rniniftring unto him, When foolifb virgins (hail be Phut out from his glory , and the wife pro- 1 feffor taken in. And in the meane while , though our Lord and Saviour Chrift feeme to forfake the Churches for the prefent , yet he will come againe unto them with delivering and conqueringmercy : Behold, I come quickly, holdfall that 1 rohich thou haft. Revel, 3. Obj. But howmay it appeare that Chrift will come at mid- night ? yInfiv.1 fhahl giveyou a tafte of it in all his comings,becaufe there is the fame Spirit in one as in another. 1. For his fpirituall coming , when Chrift comes Frit with his .Converting grace , and caufes his Converting mercy to Me upon any folk, then hedoth come at midnight , Yob. 33. godfjseaketh once yea twice,yet man perceives it not ; Ma dreame , in a vifion of the night, When deepe fleep falleth upon men, influrnbrings upon thebed, Then he openeth the eares of men , and jealeth their infiruelion verfe 14, 15, 16. When a Reade ch 13 ofthe a. 4i; Of Efilras, which though it be A po- crypha and the lowelt ofApocry. pha, being written in Latin, yet ofgreat wintry, cir,d by ivt, 7erome, wens Alex- andrinza, anddivers others.