Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Chrifis coming is at our midnight. a man is fall alleepe in his fins, little thinkes of any good , unleffe it be to oppofe it, then Chrift conies and feales on Tome inftruelion upon his foule. Thus he doth come at mid- night. 2. Secondly, WhenChrifl comeswith his Comforting mercy, and caufes hiscomforting grace to paffe upon a mans heart ; then he cloth come at midnight, in an houre and time when he doth leaft expect him. fought him (fayes the Spoufe , ) but Ifound him not. 1fought himon my bed , inprivate, anl found him not. I fought him in the fireets , in thepublique Ordinances , but I found him not. It war but a little that I paledfrom the watchmen ' but foundhimWhommy Soule lo- veth. Then , and there the finds him , where the look't not for him , and did not expea him. Pfalme 42. verfe 6,7, 8. 0 my God (fayes 'David) My Soule is call cloven within me. Here's trouble, forrow, and heavinetTe ; all thy waves are gone over me, verfe the 17. Here's more. Yet ( faith he ) verfe 8. TheLordwill commandhis loving kindneffe in the day time , and in thenight hisfongs "ballbe withme. It is Gods or- dinary title, The Lord our maker , who giveth fongs in the night , Job. 35. We reade of Mailer Robert glover, men- tioned by Mailer Fox, in the booke of Martyrs, That though he were a man very gracious and holy , faithfully bearing witneffe CO the truth ; yet it pleated God to withdrawhim- felfeand prefence fromhim , in fo much that he was greatly diftrefledwhile he was inprifon ; and opening himfelfe tohis friend , told him , howGod had left and deferted him ; his friend exhorted himmill for to waite on God , which he la- boured to do, and the night before his execution, fpent much of that time in prayer , yet no comfort came , no manifeflations of the pretence of Chrift; the next day he, was drawn out to the flake for to die for the truth, and as he went , he mournedmuch for the prefence of Chrifl; but when he came in the fight of the flake, it pleated God fo to fill his heart and foule with comfort , and the incomes of his love, that he cried out unto his friend, 0 Muffin, heis come, he is come ,he is come, This good man was in the darke