Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

(brigs coming is at our midnight. darke a great while; but when in the darkeft time, then Chrift , came. Chrift comes at midnight, when he doth come with comfort. And thirdly, When Chrift comes with outward delivering 3 mercy to a perfon or people , then he doth come at mid- night °Ho. It is laid of tfi-ael , that they went out of E- gypt at midnight . God had promifed deliverance a long time before , and they did all expect it ; but who would have expeded it at fuch a time as that was ? And if we look into that laft Chapter of Zachary , we (hall find , that the great deliverance of the Churches promised, is to be in one day,. 7veichiball be known to the Lord , not day nor night , but it"ball come topalre , that at evening time it fball be light verfe 7. Who would expect light at evening ? we all expect darkneffe at evening time ' but at evening when we looke molt for darkneffe , God hath promifed this great light, And for Chrifts coming at the laft, ye knowwhat he fayes, Iwill come in an houre ,Aenye looke not for me. And for this great deliverance andvictory which the Lord hath now given unto you , was it not at midnight ? confider withyour felves a little , remember the dayes of your former troubles and. were you ever in a more darke condition? were ye not all be- nighted ? when were your enemies more high , and lofty ? when were your friends more down and dejected ? Anight , a night, the Lord knowes , a darke night was come upon us. Well , but now Chrift comes with a feafonable , almoft mi- raculous victory and deliverance. And this is Chrifts way and manner; He never comes tohis peopleas a Bridegroome, but (till he doth come at midnight , in all his comings 11111 he cloth come at midnight. Chrift loves that his people fhould fit up for him , watch and waite for him. He waiteth toChew mercy on them that waite on his mercy. The more a man is refpeaed,and beloved in an houfe,the more ifhe be abroad,thofe in the houfe will fit up,and watch for him;he that loves him not,fayes,I will go to bed, flay no longer let him come when he pleafes ; but he that loves him, faith , Fie watch, Ray , Pie fit C up Real: I.